By using our website or mobile app patient easily view and print their test result.
FRONTIER DIAGNOSTIC CENTER provide free home sampling facility to his honourable customers.
All your previous reports are available on our view it at any time
FRONTIER DIAGNOSTIC CENTER offer reasonable prices and rate list is available on website.every one get by single click
collection points easily order new and print the slips of order
Collection point separately manage their payment account and bills
Reffering labs manage their patient account saparately and view their account easily
On FRONTIER DIAGNOSTIC CENTER website detail lab test list are available
FRONTIER DIAGNOSTIC CENTER provied online reporting services round the clock.
FRONTIER DIAGNOSTIC CENTER has focused on introducing the latest technology in laboratory testing. fully computerized tool ,latest software and mobile app is our speciality
We provide mobile app facility to our valuable customer.It make easy to get their test result at anywhere.test result in their pocket
Our goal is 100% certified results as fast as we can for a wide range of tests
We Always offer Ver Low Prices with International Standrard for all medical lab test.
Happy Clients
Test Performed
Test Types
Hard Workers
Voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturiThe study of chemical and biochemical mechanisms of the body in relation to disease, mostly through the analysis of body fluids such as blood or urine.
Studies and diagnoses diseases on the cellular level.The cell reflect the normal or abnormal morpholgy.
Blood tests that look for antibodies in blood. They focus on proteins made by immune system, with is a vital body system.
Analyses of blood that employ antigen and antibodies to detect abnormalities of the immune system
Covers the use of biological, biochemical or chemical methods for the detection, identification or enumeration of microorganisms
IHC is used to show whether or not the cancer cells have HER2 receptors and/or hormone receptors on their surface.
FRONTIER DIAGNOSTIC CENTER offer very reasonable prices but their test results are accurate .I am fully satisfied by their work.
I like the free home sampling facility of the FRONTIER DIAGNOSTIC CENTER.It is a convenient for the old and very sick persons those can,t travel
FRONTIER DIAGNOSTICround the clock services are very good.I realy appriciate FRONTIER DIAGNOSTIC for their all services.
I found that FRONTIER DIAGNOSTIC results are very accurate and they use latest equipment in their CENTER
FRONTIER DIAGNOSTIC CENTER mobile app is fantastic facility and very easy to use.
Opposite King Abdullah Teaching Hospital Abbottabad Road Mansehra